
Brand Identity
Logo Design


AndNew is a combat sports-inspired lifestyle and athletic wear brand designed for the modern warrior. It caters to both professional fighters and fitness enthusiasts, offering premium apparel and training gear. This project aims to create a logo and brand identity that reflects this duality. The design approach is bold and powerful, appealing to the combat sports audience, while also maintaining a stylish and contemporary aesthetic that bridges the gap between streetwear and the traditional athletic wear seen in combat sports.

Bold Combination Logo Mark by Jimmy Viquez
Combination Logo Mark and Brand Colors by Jimmy Viquez
Bold Stacked Combination Logo Mark by Jimmy Viquez
Logo Mark Anatomy by Jimmy Viquez
Business Card Design by Jimmy Viquez
Stacked Combination Logo Mark with Slogan by JImmy Viquez
Blue Color Scheme by Jimmy Viquez
Brand Typography by Jimmy Viquez
Company Tagline By Jimmy Viquez
Apparel Design by Jimmy Viquez
Streetwear Clothing Tag Design by Jimmy Viquez
Combat Sport Boxing Gear Design by Jimmy Viquez
Social Media Photography Style by Jimmy Viquez
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