Types of Logos: Choosing the Right Type of Logo for Your Brand

Jimmy Viquez Team

A logo is more than just a pretty picture; it's the visual embodiment of a brand's identity. From tech giants to local shops, every successful business relies on a strong logo to make a lasting impression. But with countless options available, choosing the right type can be overwhelming. This article delves into the world of logo design, defining key terms and exploring the most common types – wordmarks, lettermarks, combination marks, brand marks, abstract logos, mascot logos, and emblem logos – and when to best utilize each.

What is a logo?

A logo is a visual shorthand for a brand, a distinctive mark that identifies a business or entity. It's a carefully crafted combination of text, images, or abstract elements designed to evoke emotions and communicate core values. While a powerful logo can significantly impact brand perception, it's essential to remember that it's merely a facet of a brand, not its entirety. A brand encompasses a company's ethos, mission, products, and customer experiences. In essence, a logo is a visual symbol within this broader context, its effectiveness dependent on its alignment with the overall brand identity.

Types of logos

Now, let's explore the diverse range of logo types:


A wordmark, or logotype, is simply the company name presented in a distinctive typeface.

This logo type is best suited for brands with strong, memorable names that are the core of their identity.

Coca-Cola is a prime example of a wordmark logo. The iconic script is instantly recognizable, and the name itself is synonymous with the product. The design of the wordmark is as integral to the brand as the taste of the drink.


Lettermarks use the initials of a company name to create a logo. They are ideal for brands with long names or those aiming for a minimalist look.

IBM is a classic example of a lettermark. The three letters are simple yet powerful, representing a global tech giant. The logo's clean lines and modern font convey a sense of efficiency and reliability, aligning with the brand's image.

Combination Marks

Combination marks blend a wordmark with a symbol or icon. This type of logo is versatile, allowing for both textual and visual recognition.

Lacoste, known for its iconic crocodile, uses a combination mark. The brand name is paired with the animal, which represents elegance, sportiness, and French heritage. This combination effectively communicates the brand's identity and values.

Brand Marks

A brand mark, also known as a pictorial or symbol mark, is a graphic representing a company without including its name. This logo type is best for brands with strong visual identities that can be easily recognized.

The Apple logo is a quintessential example of a brand mark. The simple, yet striking image of an apple with a bite taken out is globally recognized. It represents innovation, creativity, and user-friendliness, perfectly encapsulating the brand's essence.

Abstract Logos

Abstract logos use shapes, patterns, or colors to create a unique symbol representing a brand. They are effective for conveying abstract concepts or emotions.

Pepsi's logo is a classic abstract design. The circular shape with its contrasting colors is instantly recognizable. The logo's dynamic form represents youth, energy, and fun, aligning with the brand's target audience.

Mascot Logos

Mascot logos feature a character or animal that embodies the brand's personality. They are often used for brands targeting a younger audience or those with a playful image.

KFC's Colonel Sanders is a well-known mascot logo. The friendly, grandfatherly figure represents warmth, hospitality, and delicious fried chicken. The mascot has become synonymous with the brand and is instantly recognizable.

Emblem Logos

Emblem logos combine graphics, text, and sometimes a crest or badge. They are often used for companies with a rich history or heritage.

Harley-Davidson's logo is a classic emblem. The intricate design featuring an eagle and the company name conveys a sense of freedom, rebellion, and American craftsmanship. The logo is deeply rooted in the brand's history and resonates with its loyal customer base.

Choosing the Right Logo

Selecting the perfect logo is often seen as a purely aesthetic decision, but it's far more strategic than that. While the visual appeal of a logo is important, it's just one piece of the puzzle. A truly effective logo is a powerful tool that encapsulates your brand's essence and resonates with your target audience.

Before you even consider logo styles, it's crucial to have a crystal-clear understanding of your brand. This involves asking yourself some fundamental questions:

  • What is the core message of your brand? This is the heart of your business. What problem do you solve? What value do you provide?
  • What emotions do you want to evoke? Do you want to inspire, comfort, or excite? Your logo should reflect these feelings.
  • How do you want your brand to be perceived? Are you modern and edgy, or classic and timeless? Your logo should align with this perception.
  • What is the level of complexity you desire? A simple logo is often easier to remember, but a complex one can convey depth and sophistication.
  • How versatile should the logo be? Consider how you'll use the logo – on business cards, websites, merchandise, and more. A versatile logo adapts to different sizes and formats.

By thoughtfully considering these questions, you'll lay a strong foundation for your logo design process. Remember, a well-crafted logo is more than just a pretty picture; it's a strategic investment in your brand's identity and success. Taking the time to define your brand clearly will guide you towards a logo that not only looks great but also effectively communicates your brand's essence to your target audience.

Why Hire a Designer for Your Logo

While DIY logo tools offer a tempting shortcut for solopreneurs and small businesses, a professionally designed logo often delivers a superior result. Designers hone their craft over years, developing a keen eye for creating impactful and memorable visuals. Collaborating with a freelance designer or design agency provides access to invaluable expertise and creativity.


The journey to creating the perfect logo is a blend of art and science. Understanding the different logo types and their suitability for various brands is essential. However, it's equally important to recognize that a logo is more than just a visual element; it's a strategic tool that reflects your brand's identity and values. By carefully considering your brand's core message, desired emotions, and target audience, you can lay the groundwork for a logo that truly stands out. Remember, a well-designed logo is a powerful asset that can elevate your brand and drive long-term success.

Whether you choose to embark on this journey independently or seek professional guidance, the ultimate goal is to create a logo that resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impression.

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