A Full-Stack Brand Identity Designer

I'm Jimmy Viquez, a graphic designer specializing in brand identity design. I help businesses navigate their way to success through effective design.

Let's Work


Jimmy Viquez is a Brand Identity Designer who helps businesses build strong and recognizable brands. His work includes a collection of brand identity, logo design, packaging,  and website design for companies of all sizes. Jimmy always strives towards pushing boundaries that will set your business apart from others within your industry.

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With an adept skill set in hand, Jimmy Viquez excels in creating captivating brand identities, logos, websites, and packaging designs. His proficiency transcends industries and business scales, allowing him to cater to a diverse array of clients. Through his creative prowess, he transforms concepts into visually striking representations that leave a lasting impact.


Jimmy Viquez's central objective is to collaborate with brands, harnessing his expertise to create compelling designs that effectively communicate their message with impact. He is dedicated to consistently uplift and drive your business to new heights through his innovative contributions.

Brand Identity

The significance of branding cannot be underestimated, as it profoundly influences how individuals view your business. Over time, I have developed the expertise to create unified brand identities, ensuring that every interaction in your marketing endeavors enhances the overall perception of your company.

Logo Design

A logo is the first interaction people have with your company and it’s your opportunity to make a first impression. Jimmy's expertise in logo design will ensure your logo is effective, approachable, and most importantly memorable to your target audience.

Packaging Design

The customer's first impression of a company can be shaped by how the brand's packaging looks and feels on store shelves. I make sure that your company has an appealing packaging design from the start to help you differentiate your product from competitors.

Website Design

Complete your business brand identity with a website design that showcases your brand, product, and service. in the best light using modern UI and UX techniques. He has the experience and expertise necessary to develop an effective website that meets your specific goals.

Webflow Dev.

Don't have the time to research for the right developer to build your website? Let Jimmy bring your company website design to life using Webflow. Have your website running in no time so that you can focus on other aspects of the business.

Meet Jimmy

Jimmt Viquez portrait with grey backgound and black shirt.

Based in Los Angeles, Jimmy Viquez brings a passion for crafting meaningful identities that elevate brands and connect with audiences. He believes in creating unique, lasting experiences that tell your story through both digital and print platforms.

Jimmy has honed his skills through collaborations with ambitious entrepreneurs, gaining a deep understanding of building successful businesses. This allows him to approach each project with the strategic insight needed to solve your design challenges.

Jimmt Viquez portrait with grey backgound and black shirt.


Jimmy employs a structured approach to the creative process to realize the envisioned design solution.

Step 1


Design strategies provide guidance to designers in order to create solutions that deliver on business objectives.

Step 2


Research is the phase of brainstorming and market research that helps define the scope of a project.

Step 3


Sketching allows graphic designers to rapidly explore an idea and refine it into a final product.

Step 4


Taking a sketch and transforming it into something dynamic, this allows for ideas to become polished realities.

Step 5


Your feedback is essential for a successful design. It ensures your design meets your needs & vision.

Step 6


Design revisions are adjustments made to a design by the designer based on client feedback.

Step 7


A graphic design presentation is a way to visually present to you the final design solution.

Step 8


With all revisions completed and files ready to go, the design project is polished and ready for delivery.


My work is not just about showcasing my designs but also about building a collection of resources for entrepreneurs, businesses, and designers. These will include tools that I have used throughout my professional design career as well as valuable industry information.

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Jimmy's endeavors encompass far more than just design. They extend to curating a comprehensive resource library for designers and entrepreneurs. Discover invaluable design tools and articles that will help you accelerate your journey to success.

Let's Build Your Next Project or Let's Chat

Do you have a project you would like Jimmy to work on, want to hire him, have a questions, or would you like to request additional information? Reach out!

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